So as I search for guidance on the motto to use for my ministry. I came to the conclusion that Peace is the overall goal to my mentoring. Not just for clients and customers but for myself as well. So as I always do I look for messages from God to help me with this and here is the new motto for POMM Peace Of Mind Mentoring. 2 Thessalonians 3:5,16 May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance. Now may the Lord of peace him self give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. So yes to understand this better, Peace is 1 : freedom or a period of freedom from public disturbance or war. 2 : a quiet and calm state of mind. 3 : agreement and harmony among people. 4 : an agreement to end a war. To me God provides this freedom by giving me self discipline on using social media and more quality time with my family. I always need a calm and quit mind to learn this would make me great! I can agree to disagree with most people, but there are some people I just can not shake from being cutt off. And I would love to end my spiritual war within myself.