A Hope
You see other people around God that seem more clean, neat, trim, and fit in their faith. So you take a step back note....one person [whom Christ] commended....for having faith. It was not a wealthy giver, loyal follower, acclaimed teacher. It was a sham-struck, penniless outcast - [ a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years] - who clutched onto her hunch that he could and her hope that he would. "Which, by the way, isn't a bad definition of faith. A conviction that he can and a hope that he will."
Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction. Mark 5:34
This passage pulls me to want to know this daughter more. For me I to seem like the outcast and not worthy of the presence because the other around me seem more shinny. How about who is this daughter?